Thursday, January 9, 2014

Winter Weather and Tire Pressure

Winter is Most Definitely Here!

The cold weather can cause common problems in your vehicle. One of the most common issues that the change in weather brings is the change in tire pressure in a vehicle. Often during the cold months, tire pressure lights will come on unexpectedly.
Owners may notice this light a lot when weather changes quickly

  Owners are advised to check their tire pressure monthly but during the colder months they may want to consider doing so on a more regular basis.
Failure to maintain recommended tire pressure may result in rapid tire wear, a less fuel efficient vehicle, and problems when handeling and stopping the vehicle.
Read more about tire pressure and weather changes Here

Friday, January 3, 2014

The New and Improved 2014 Honda Civic

The Civic is better than ever with the new 2014 model!

 New improvements with performance and accesories make the 2014 Civic the anticipated leader of compact vehicles of 2014.
The New and Improved 2014 Honda Civic

Read the whole article Here